#/usr/bin/perl -Tw
# $Id: ssi_rand_image.pl,v 1.12 2002/07/23 21:00:17 nickjc Exp $
use strict;
use POSIX qw(locale_h strftime);
use CGI qw(header img a);
use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock);
use vars qw($DEBUGGING $done_headers);
use lib 'C:\Inetpub\vhosts\beyondmasculinity.com\httpdocs\beyondmasculinity.com\cgi-bin';
# Configuration
# $DEBUGGING must be set in a BEGIN block in order to have it be set before
# the program is fully compiled.
# This should almost certainly be set to 0 when the program is 'live'
my @images = ({ file => 'http://www.beyondmasculinity.com/images/spotlight/ahmed.jpg',
url => 'http://www.beyondmasculinity.com/articles/ahmed.php',
alt => 'Spotlight on Hammad Ahmed' },
{ file => 'http://www.beyondmasculinity.com/images/spotlight/autrey.jpg',
url => 'http://www.beyondmasculinity.com/articles/autrey.php',
alt => 'Spotlight on William Autrey' },
{ file => 'http://www.beyondmasculinity.com/images/spotlight/blumenfeld.jpg',
url => 'http://www.beyondmasculinity.com/articles/blumenfeld.php',
alt => 'Spotlight on Warren Blumenfeld' },
{ file => 'http://www.beyondmasculinity.com/images/spotlight/calderwood.jpg',
url => 'http://www.beyondmasculinity.com/articles/calderwood.php',
alt => 'Spotlight on Brent Calderwood' },
{ file => 'http://www.beyondmasculinity.com/images/spotlight/cole.jpg',
url => 'http://www.beyondmasculinity.com/articles/cole.php',
alt => 'Spotlight on Joshua Bastian Cole' },
{ file => 'http://www.beyondmasculinity.com/images/spotlight/daywalker.jpg',
url => 'http://www.beyondmasculinity.com/articles/daywalker.php',
alt => 'Spotlight on Rob Day-Walker' },
{ file => 'http://www.beyondmasculinity.com/images/spotlight/dilts.jpg',
url => 'http://www.beyondmasculinity.com/articles/dilts.php',
alt => 'Spotlight on Jason Dilts' },
{ file => 'http://www.beyondmasculinity.com/images/spotlight/driskill.jpg',
url => 'http://www.beyondmasculinity.com/articles/driskill.php',
alt => 'Spotlight on Qwo-li Driskill' },
{ file => 'http://www.beyondmasculinity.com/images/spotlight/faris.jpg',
url => 'http://www.beyondmasculinity.com/articles/faris.php',
alt => 'Spotlight on Michael Faris' },
{ file => 'http://www.beyondmasculinity.com/images/spotlight/gyshen.jpg',
url => 'http://www.beyondmasculinity.com/articles/gyshen.php',
alt => 'Spotlight on Sean Gyshen Fennell' },
{ file => 'http://www.beyondmasculinity.com/images/spotlight/harris.jpg',
url => 'http://www.beyondmasculinity.com/articles/harris.php',
alt => 'Spotlight on Keith M. Harris' },
{ file => 'http://www.beyondmasculinity.com/images/spotlight/hoppe.jpg',
url => 'http://www.beyondmasculinity.com/articles/hoppe.php',
alt => 'Spotlight on Trevor Hoppe' },
{ file => 'http://www.beyondmasculinity.com/images/spotlight/jost.jpg',
url => 'http://www.beyondmasculinity.com/articles/jost.php',
alt => 'Spotlight on Eric Jost' },
{ file => 'http://www.beyondmasculinity.com/images/spotlight/julius.jpg',
url => 'http://www.beyondmasculinity.com/articles/julius.php',
alt => 'Spotlight on Patrick Julius' },
{ file => 'http://www.beyondmasculinity.com/images/spotlight/lobel.jpg',
url => 'http://www.beyondmasculinity.com/articles/lobel.php',
alt => 'Spotlight on Brian Lobel' },
{ file => 'http://www.beyondmasculinity.com/images/spotlight/long.jpg',
url => 'http://www.beyondmasculinity.com/articles/long.php',
alt => 'Spotlight on Elliot Long' },
{ file => 'http://www.beyondmasculinity.com/images/spotlight/macey.jpg',
url => 'http://www.beyondmasculinity.com/articles/macey.php',
alt => 'Spotlight on J. Macey' },
{ file => 'http://www.beyondmasculinity.com/images/spotlight/martinez.jpg',
url => 'http://www.beyondmasculinity.com/articles/martinez.php',
alt => 'Spotlight on Daniel E. Solis y Martinez' },
{ file => 'http://www.beyondmasculinity.com/images/spotlight/purcell.jpg',
url => 'http://www.beyondmasculinity.com/articles/purcell.php',
alt => 'Spotlight on Paul Purcell' },
{ file => 'http://www.beyondmasculinity.com/images/spotlight/snyder.jpg',
url => 'http://www.beyondmasculinity.com/articles/snyder.php',
alt => 'Spotlight on Mark Snyder' });
my $uselog = 0;
my $logfile = '/path/to/log/file';
my $date_fmt = '%c';
my $link_image = 1;
my $align = 'right';
my $border = 0;
my $locale = '';
# End configuration
# We need finer control over what gets to the browser and the CGI::Carp
# set_message() is not available everywhere :(
# This is basically the same as what CGI::Carp does inside but simplified
# for our purposes here.
sub fatalsToBrowser
my ( $message ) = @_;
$message =~ s/</g;
$message =~ s/>/>/g;
$message = '';
my ( $pack, $file, $line, $sub ) = caller(0);
my ($id ) = $file =~ m%([^/]+)$%;
return undef if $file =~ /^\(eval/;
print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n" unless $done_headers;
print <
Application Error
An error has occurred in the program
die @_;
$SIG{__DIE__} = \&fatalsToBrowser;
my $img = $images[rand(@images)];
# Print Out Header With Random Filename and Base Directory
print header;
my $output = img({-src => $img->{file},
-alt => $img->{alt},
-border => $border,
-align => $align});
if ($link_image && $img->{url}) {
$output = a({-href => $img->{url}},
print $output;
# If You want a log, we add to it here.
if ($uselog) {
setlocale(LC_TIME, $locale) if $locale ;
my $date = strftime $date_fmt, localtime;
sysopen(LOG, $logfile, O_APPEND|O_CREAT|O_RDWR)
or die "Can't open log file: $!\n";
flock LOG, LOCK_EX
or die "Can't lock log file: $!\n";
print LOG "$img->{file} - $date - $ENV{REMOTE_HOST}\n";