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Dear Reader,

Beyond Masculinity is an all-volunteer project bringing smart material by queer writers to the masses for free. The writers weren't paid. The editor certainly wasn't paid! And the web designer -- who also happens to be the editor -- wasn't paid either. This project isn't free to maintain, however. Web hosting fees and general upkeep costs all come out of one pocket: Trevor Hoppe's. So help make Trevor's day a bit brighter and consider making a $25 donation today. Hey, that's the cost of a good book, and most books aren't half as good as this one. For every $25 donation you make, somewhere in the world a young boy comes out of the closet. No really, it's true*. And hey, if you donate $75 or more and live in the U.S., we'll even throw in this cute mug. C'mon. You know you want it.

So consider donating today, and make the world a better place for queers everywhere.


Trevor Hoppe
Beyond Masculinity

P.S. Donations aren't tax deductible. But neither was the last book you bought.

* And by true, we mean completely false.